
Adobe illustrator logo
Adobe illustrator logo

adobe illustrator logo

Once you hit “OK” the shape will be created to those exact measurements for you!

adobe illustrator logo

size, amount of sides, amout of points, etc. These fields will vary by the shape, but they'll each specify the different characteristics of the shape, i.e. Or by clicking once on your art board (with the tool selected) and filling out the appropriate fields in the window that appears. a circle, square or equilateral triangle) (Hold down shift if you want all sides to be equal, i.e. Play around with it and tell me if you ever find a real use for it lol).Īll of these tools can be used in two different ways:īy clicking and dragging the shape until it's the size you want it. (For real, this tool is so weird I don’t even know how to describe it. The Flare Tool, which is completely useless so don’t worry about ever needing it. The Star Tool, which creates stars with as many points as you could want. The Polygon Tool, which makes any multi-sided shape from triangles to hexagons and beyond. The Ellipse Tool, which makes circles and ovals. The Rounded Rectangle Tool, which makes rectangles and squares with adjustable rounded corners. The Rectangle Tool, which makes rectangles and squares. There are 6 different shapes (really only five useful ones, tbh though), nested underneath the rectangle tool that allows you to create different shapes. Obviously, logos (usually) need text, so these are tools you’d use to add it! Touch Type Tool – After you’ve already typed out your text, you can use this tool to move around individual characters (letters, numbers, or punctuation) within your text. Vertical Type on a Path Tool – Works the same as the Type on a Path Tool, but types vertically instead of horizontally. Vertical Area Type Tool – Works the same as the Area Type Tool, but types text vertically instead of horizontally. Vertical Type Tool – Works the same as the regular type tool, but types text vertically instead of horizontally. This is how you could type a circle of text to go around your logo. Type on a Path Tool – Converts and existing path (a line) into a path to type text on to. This is great for fitting text into unconventional shapes and areas. Area Type Tool – Converts an existing shape into a text box.

Adobe illustrator logo